There are various types of germs on human hands, according to the study
of germs on your computer keyboard more than the germs on the toilet seat,
meaning more hands interacting with germs than the other limb.
Hand washing is very important to be applied by the family so our
families protected from various kinds of diseases caused by the germ. Our
little family to do so and our son who was 2 years old is always asking for
washing hands before and after eating, after playing or going to bed or
whenever when diya felt her hands were dirty and needed to be washed, whether
he washed it with water play we have been very pleased to see the progress that
always want to clean.
Basically, hand washing is not just a wet hand, but also we need to
know how to wash hands properly. Why do we have to wash their hands
properly ??? Because the germs are not easily die or disappear if only by
wetting the hands with water alone, remember germs are very easy to breed.
Therefore, follow the 7 steps to wash hands thoroughly according to the WHO as
Rub the palms together using antibacterial soaps
Rub the back of their hands
Open your palm and then rub Shelah fingers one
by one
Then turn the palms besikan between - between
the back of the fingers alternately.
Rub your thumb with a circular manner in one
direction following area between forefinger and thumb do turns to second-hand.
Rub the fingertips of the palms and done
alternately on both hands
Rub the wrist on a rotating basis to do well in
Done .... then rinse with running water.
If not clearly see the back of the image. Wash hands with
anti-bacterial soap or a rod-shaped liquid is highly recommended. Not
recommended to use soap because it is harsh on the skin.
Let's change our lifestyle into a healthy lifestyle. For the sake of a
better generation let's start from the smallest things and today. Good Luck.
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